Dyrecta Lab, su invito, presenterà alla conferenza 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2020 (IEEE Photonics Society), un lavoro circa le tecnologie “Agri-Photonics” per l’agricoltura di precisione.

Di seguito riportiamo uno short abstract del lavoro:
Titolo: “Agri-photonics in precision agriculture”
Autori: A. Massaro, N. Savino and A.Galiano
Affiliation: Dyrecta Lab srl, Conversano (BA), Italy
Abstract: Optical and photonic technologies are adopted to measure crop health and agri-food quality using remote sensing data in the visible, near-infrared, and thermal-infrared wavebands. Agri-Photonics represents a new branch of research including electronic and opto-electronic technological advances implemented on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), decision support systems (DSS), multispectral imaging, and precision agriculture sensing. The work proposes an overview of Agri-Photonics tools adopted in research projects, by focusing the attention on electronic implementation and on experimental bio-physics aspects.